Holy moly. How did this happen? Yesterday I was 19 in college and running wild and poof, I am turning 40 in a few days.
Let me break this down for all the youth who might stumble across this…..blink and time passes. And, if you let it, these bigger birthdays can be heavy. They mark the passage of time in a way that I think few other things do and they force you to look at your life and asses where you are, where you have been, and where you want to go.
So I say I feel like I have blinked and missed 20 years of my life (hold on, I need to drink some wine after even saying that) but the truth is, I have done a lot of living in that time….I just want to do more and I want to make sure that what I am doing is pushing me towards a better version of me. A me that is doing what God put me on this earth to do.
Let me let you in on another little secret….there are few of us out there who actually have our sh*t together and know exactly what we are doing with this gift we call life. I would say most people have a level of confusion of why they are here or what they are doing. There is peace in that knowledge, in knowing that others do not know what the hell they are doing either. So just take a deep breath and keep moving forward and know it is OK to not know.
I have tons of musings I would love to add here, but the truth is….that would be boring, so let's focus on what this is about. I have a goal. It is BIG. It is a bit different. It is mine. It is developing. I want to accomplish 40 very different things in the next year in honor of me circling the sun 40 times.
Here we go, in NO particular order….
- Visit 40 new cities (I kid you not…40)
- Complete 100 rides on my spin bike
- Lose 40 pounds (I snorted wine writing that)
- Volunteer at the pet shelter 4 times
- Go on 4 girl trips
- Camp 14 times
- By a lake or beach cottage
- Turn my she-shed into a lady hangout bar
- Workout 20 times a month every month
- Spend 4 nights with my Mom
- Travel out of town for an Auburn game
- Fly somewhere fun with the hubs
- Read the New Testament
- Have a Kudzu Kuties trip
- Complete 40 lean improvements in my home
- Cut trails through my property so we can ride the whole things
- Complete a Spartan Trifecta
- Do 100 double under (in less than 2 sets)
- Travel to a new city for a 1/2 marathon
- Take the Niece and big Nephews on a trip
- Plan the months and not miss a family members birthday
- Get a solid handstand pushup
- Learn 8 songs on the ukulele
- Go back to Nashville and dance and sing with whoever is with me
- Learn 8 recipes from my Mom
- Teach yoga in some capacity to some one (need to hash that one out)
- Read one business or self-help book a month
- Make some t-shirts to sell
- Create care package to give to people in need, carry at least 20 with me and 20 with the hubs
- Secretly bless 4 servers with bigger than normal tips
- See the Grand Canyon (how have I not done this?)
- Go on a date a month with the hubs
- Read an autobiography or fun book one a month
- Focus on some level of self care, 4 times a year
- Make a new friend
- Blog regularly for a year
- Limit my screen time each day (as in my cell phone)
- Improve my procrastinating tendencies (a bad side effect of perfectionism)
- Look at my family history with my Dad
- Open [for a profound goal that hits me]
How about that? My big list of 40 things I want to do this year and what I want to accomplish. You are welcome to come on this journey with me.
Let's go!