Sunday, November 4, 2018

November - Day 4 - Coaching

Today, I am thankful for the time changing!  Just kidding...although it was nice 'gaining' and hour, I spent that hour looking around the house trying to figure out what time it really was, so...yeah...not going to waste a post on that...

What do you call something that you do not want to call a job, but it is more than a hobby?  That is the quandary I find myself in when I want to talk about Coaching at my gym. I can't call it a job, because that is just to sterile, but it is much more serious than a hobby.  I guess I will go with, passion.  Coaching is a passion for me.

I have always idolized coaches and found them invaluable in my life.  The person who leads you to do something you did not think you could do (hellllloooo back high school....#latebloomer) or encourages you when you think you are about to die....or throw up...normally its just throwing up....although in the moment, death seems like a real possibility.  I always thought those people were awesome.

I had this secret desire to become a Level 1 CrossFit trainer when I first started taking CrossFit classes.  My plan was just to roll up in the gym one day and tell them, "Oh by the way, I'm a Level 1 Trainer, so if you need any help coaching, just let me know".  News of my lay off (see first blog post if you want to be up to speed) made me a bit braver.  I ran into our gym owner one Sunday and told him what I wanted to do, and before I knew it, we had a plan and I starting coaching on an intern basis.  I went to CrossFit Mayhem, met amazing people (Rich Fronning and his team!! and I saw Mat Frazer!! #butwastootimidtosayhi) and got my Level 1. (insert applaud track here).

  I have been coaching ever since and I love it!  I can not think of too many things I would willingly get up at 4 in the morning for, but to be with the awesome people at my gym and to see them do amazing things, it is totally worth it.  When someone hits dubs for the first time, or gets their first pull up, or hits a full depth squat, or whatever it is; those moments are like fuel for me.  I especially love working with people who have not step foot in a gym in years.  I remember the fear of walking into a CrossFit gym the first time, it was terrifying.  I love seeing those people and knowing, they are going to do amazing things if they will just stick it out and keep coming.

So today, and everyday, I am thankful I get to coach at an awesome facility and I get to work with amazing people.  All the love to my C2 Family, thank you for your support!

Make today great,

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